Eternally Transformed

Saints ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 

Seek the Truth with all your heart.

The truth about who true saints really are. ​​ 

The original Christian meaning = any believer who is "in Christ" and in whom ‘Christ dwells.’

‘Saint’ means sanctified or becoming holy in​​ Christ = GOD’s people - believers - consecrated people - all referring to true living Christians; not someone who is declared to be known as a saint after they have died. ​​ 

Read Paul’s letters in the New Testament in the Bible. ​​ In​​ Romans​​ he refers to​​ the ‘saints’ in Rome. ​​ In​​ 2 Corinthians​​ he refers to all the ‘saints' throughout Achaia. ​​ In​​ 1 Corinthians​​ and other writings he refers to the ‘saints’ as ‘the church’ and ‘brothers’. ​​ In​​ Galatians​​ as ‘brothers’. ​​ In​​ Ephesians​​ as ‘saints’. ​​ In​​ Philippians​​ as ‘saints’ and ‘brothers’. ​​ In​​ Colossians​​ as ‘brothers’ and ‘saints’. ​​ In​​ 1 and 2 Thessalonians​​ as ‘the church’, and ‘brothers’. ​​ In Philemon as ‘saints’. ​​ In Hebrews as ‘brothers’ and ‘GOD’s people’. ​​ In James as ‘brothers’. In​​ 1 Peter​​ as ‘GOD’s elect, strangers in the world’. ​​ In​​ 2 Peter​​ as dear ‘friends’. ​​ In​​ 1 John​​ as dear ‘friends’ and dear ‘children’. ​​ In​​ 3 John​​ as ‘friends’. ​​ In​​ Jude​​ as ‘friends’.

The terms ​​ ‘Saints’ - ‘The Church’ - ‘Brothers in Christ’ - ‘Friends in Christ’ - ‘GOD’s elect’ - ‘Strangers in the world’ - all refer to the believers - the faithful and obedient followers of Jesus and GOD.

The saints are the true believers, disciples, true Christians, NOT people who have done certain things in life, died and then through man made processes declared to be saints. ​​ As is done by a particular denomination.


The easy and obvious evidential truth is in the many references in the Bible to the believers and followers of Jesus as the saints, and in Paul’s letters which he wrote to the saints in various places.


The word “saint” comes from the Greek word ‘hagios,’ which means “consecrated to GOD, holy, sacred, pious." ​​ 


Acts 9:32 ​​​​ "Now as Peter was traveling through all those regions, he came down also to the​​ saints​​ who lived at Lydda." ​​ 


Acts​​ 26:10​​ "And this is just what I did in Jerusalem; not only did I lock up many of the​​ saints​​ in prisons ---”​​ 


Philippians 4:21 ​​​​ "Greet every​​ saint​​ in Christ Jesus ---" ​​ 

Ephesians 4:12 ​​​​ "For the equipping of the​​ saints​​ for the work of service, to the​​ building up of the body of Christ." ​​ 


Ephesians 5:3 ​​​​ "But immorality or any impurity or greed must not even be named among you, as is proper among​​ saints."


Psalm 85:8 ​​​​ ‘I will listen to what GOD the LORD will say; HE promises peace to HIS people, HIS​​ saints; but let them not return to folly.’


Revelation 14:12 ​​​​ ‘This calls for patient endurance on the part of the​​ saints​​ who obey GOD’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus.’


It is obvious that saints are normal living people who were and are followers​​ of Jesus, capable of normal freedom of choice.

Therefore, scripturally speaking, the “saints” are the body of Christ --- Christians --- the Church. ​​ All Christians are considered saints. ​​ All Christian are saints. Christians are called to be saints, and​​ to increasingly allow their daily lives to more closely match their position in Christ. ​​ Christians are saints by virtue of their connection with Jesus Christ. This is the biblical description of, and calling of the saints.


‘Saints’, ​​ ‘The Church’, ​​ ‘Brothers’, ​​ ‘Friends’, ​​ ‘GOD’s elect’, ​​ ‘Strangers in the world’; ​​ are all referring to the believers, the faithful and obedient followers of Jesus and GOD.​​ 

Read Paul’s letters in the New Testament in the Bible; In Romans he refers to the ‘saints’ in​​ Rome; In 2 Corinthians he refers to all the ‘saints' throughout Achaia; in 1 Corinthians and other writings he refers to the ‘saints’ as ‘the church’ and ‘brothers’; in Galatians as ‘brothers’; in Ephesians as ‘saints’; in Philippians as ‘saints’ and ‘brothers’; in Colossians as ‘brothers’ and ‘saints’; in 1 and 2 Thessalonians as ‘the church’, and ‘brothers’; In Philemon as ‘saints’; in Hebrews as ‘brothers’ and ‘GOD’s people’; in James as ‘brothers’; in 1 Peter as ‘GOD’s elect, strangers in the world’; in​​ 2 Peter as dear ‘friends’; in 1 John as dear ‘friends’ and dear ‘children’; in 3 John as ‘friends’; in Jude as ‘friends’.

True Saints are Christians; they are not people who are ‘appointed’ as such after they are dead by a system of meeting certain criteria.

Orthodox Jews will convert to Christian saints.


Before the return of Christ in the end times (last days), the orthodox Jews will be changed into Christian saints.


Bible prophecy promises that the Jewish People will return to the Lord and David their​​ king in the last days. ​​ In other words, at that time, they will know that Yeshua (Jesus) is the King Messiah for whom they have been waiting. ​​ 


Hosea 3:4-5 ​​​​ “For the Israelites will live many days without king or prince, without sacrifice or sacred stones, without ephod or household gods. ​​ Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the LORD their GOD and David their king. ​​ They will come trembling to the LORD and to HIS blessings in the last days.” ​​ 


When discussing the last days with His ‘talmudim’ (disciples), Jesus said there would be a Holy Temple that would be defiled by a false Messiah before His return.​​ 

​​ Matthew 24:15–21 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ 2 Thessalonians 2:1–4 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Revelation 11:1–2​​ 


Indeed, in preparation for the Third​​ Temple, the Temple Mount Institute has already created the sacred vessels and priestly garments.  ​​​​ On the other hand, the Holy Temple could also be the body of each believing follower of Jesus, who, if not strongly committed, could be defiled by Satan’s false messiah version of Jesus.​​ 
