Eternally Transformed

Food for Mankind​​ -​​ Natural Vegetarianism

Seek the Truth with all your heart.


GOD’s original food​​ plan for humankind was​​ Fruit, Nuts,​​ Seeds, and Vegetables.

Genesis 1:29-30 ​​​​ ‘Then GOD said, “I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole Earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it, ​​ They will be yours for food. ​​ And to all the beasts of the Earth and all the birds in the sky and all the creatures that move along the ground – everything that has the breath​​ of life in it – I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.’

The diet of modern mankind​​ has become so perverted and unhealthy that most of us​​ do not​​ recognize what is really true or natural food. ​​ Cold​​ weather​​ and city life have greatly​​ modified the way we live and eat.​​ ​​ Before the Great Worldwide Flood, there was an even temperature​​ around 75 degrees​​ Fahrenheit​​ / around 25 Celsius, throughout the planet, and humanity​​ was basically​​ FRUITARIAN.​​ ​​ After the​​ atmospheric​​ canopy was destroyed​​ around 4,500​​ years ago and the climate​​ became unreliable,​​ human​​ nature changed​​ for the worse​​ so we could​​ adapt to the unbalanced conditions.​​ ​​ Deserts,​​ and​​ ice and snow​​ developed,​​ and the Earth's​​ natural geo-magnetic​​ fields​​ became much weaker, causing greater gravity, a shorter​​ lifespan, and a lower level of consciousness that subjected us to baser impulses and appetites. ​​ Human height and looks decreased, and conditions​​ got worse with time, so that now, we​​ have arrived at a degraded condition in many ways.​​ 

The human flood survivors had to make do​​ with the new conditions, and the generally inhospitable environment necessitated the development of fire,​​ agriculture and​​ technology, which would make their​​ lives more bearable,​​ especially in the extreme north and south climate zones. The​​ Satanic spiritual influences promoted​​ warring,​​ hunting​​ and killing animals, cooking and eating the flesh,​​ building homes in​​ cities​​ and developing manipulative​​ educational and religious systems, and promoting​​ exposure and addiction to​​ unhealthy and wrong activities.

It was found that by cooking or heating certain foods it would bring out the flavour and make them​​ more​​ edible,​​ such as vegetables and grains which are normally inedible, but ​​ would​​ make them more addictive and injurious to our health. Cooked meat, of course became the great rage of the post flood diet, along with the fermentation of grapes​​ (wine). In adopting this perverted diet mankind​​ began​​ the long descent into degeneration and destruction.​​ ​​ 

What you eat has a decided effect on all levels of your being, and the more stimulating or intoxicating your food, the more degenerated and animalistic you become.​​ ​​ All of the wars​​ and diseases of history are stimulated by the wrong diet, and most of the evil, violent, or perverted rulers of history loved their meats and dairies and fermented beverages.​​ ​​ Even vegetables, which require human assistance to grow, have a narcotic effect on the body and mind.​​ 

So what is the ideal or natural food of mankind.?​​ ​​ Basically,​​ anything you have to cook,​​ or grow artificially​​ is not natural.​​ ​​ Natural food grows on its own without the assistance or tampering of​​ people, it​​ is cooked or ripened by the Sun itself which is the ultimate life or food giver.​​ ​​ This leaves us with fruits and nuts, both of which grow on trees. Anything that grows on trees is the natural God​​ given food for​​ humanity. The gorilla, which is the closest animal resembling humans, subsists almost entirely on tree food.​​ ​​ Even the other animals,​​ who have become as addicted to the wrong foods as​​ mankind​​ has,​​ can subsist on​​ the food of trees. ​​​​ Fruits are light and varied and delicious and fall to the ground where their seeds germinate into more trees. Nuts provide a more solid kind of protein food which balances the lightness of the fruits and gives our teeth and jaws something​​ to exercise on. Trees​​ give us shade, shelter, and oxygen,​​ and keep the ground stable and moist,​​ they also give us​​ the best​​ food. ​​ Fruit is colourful and fragrant​​ and​​ can easily be picked. ​​ 

In Hereward Carrington's "The Natural Food of Man" he discusses sound reasons both scientifically and spiritually why fruits and nuts are the ideal​​ food​​ for humanity. ​​ We were​​ physiologically​​ created​​ to eat such a diet, but the results speak for themselves.​​ ​​ After some months on this diet, the nature becomes calmer,​​ passionate aggression​​ abates,​​ sensitivities increase, and the intellect​​ and​​ clarity of the mind​​ increases. ​​ Physical strength and endurance increase and most diseases and irritations greatly decrease or vanish. Aging​​ slows down, looks improve, and​​ attitude is decidedly more positive and confident. On an environmental level, very little garbage is produced, most of which can be composted, there is no need for cooking or preparation or utensils, and no need for destructive farming, killing, or wasteful packaging.​​ ​​ Everyone becomes healthy and happy and the planet remains clean and whole.​​ This is the ideal.

This sounds too easy and good to be true, and in a way it is because most of humanity is terribly addicted to its current processed diet, and the food companies will go to any length to keep it that way,​​ in the name of money and profit.​​ ​​ Food and addiction to it is the biggest business of all, and will not​​ easily go​​ away. ​​ Humanity is a drugged and​​ addicted race​​ as are many fellow creatures. ​​ Education and awareness are the first steps and​​ keys in overcoming this unfortunate​​ state. ​​ The internet is​​ a medium to both promote it and to educate people to the healthy alternatives. ​​ ​​ Usually​​ help from others is required to help you overcome​​ what is not good and embrace what is good.​​ ​​ Rehabilitating humanity to its proper and original diet will probably be the single largest and most important undertaking of the future,​​ but it must and will be done.​​ 

Even on a fruit and nut​​ diet one must be careful. Today's fruit is not what it used to be. Most fruits today are over-chemicalized or hybridized so that you are not getting the full or desired benefits. Before 1950, this was not such a big problem, but then came overpopulation, the big move to the cities, and the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Cities are cancer sores on the face​​ of the Earth and are not conducive to healthful living, and this is compounded by the cold and unbalanced climate. Food must be transported and preserved and​​ that​​ is​​ why our food is chemicalized and unhealthy.​​ ​​ Food should be eaten fresh from its source and in season which means going back to a rural way of life and growing it ourselves.​​ ​​ Also, most of us should not be living in the cold zones where we cannot grow our food year​​ round,​​ and must rely on its importation.​​  ​​​​ Our planet is, unfortunately,​​ still in much disrepair, and only when its canopy is restored​​ in the new heavens and new earth, and an equable climate re-established throughout, will everyone be able to enjoy a fully natural and healthful diet.​​ 

Planting a tree is not difficult and in most cases nature does this on its own, but it takes time for that tree to grow, and today's clearing and deforestation practices for housing and industrial growth are truly criminal.​​ ​​ Fires are even set intentionally for such schemes. There are clearly evil or selfish forces on this planet which have little or no regard for​​ health and human and​​ animal life. If everyone would eat only what grows on trees, bushes, and produced by certain cropping,​​ there would be no need to butcher animals or toil the land in sweat.​​ ​​ Both of these activities are​​ abominable,​​ unnatural,​​ and cause much pain, pollution, destruction, and disease.​​ ​​ Animals are our friends and not our food​​ and should be free to roam​​ and do their own thing.​​  ​​​​ 

In the realm of total purity; cows should not be milked,​​ chicken eggs should not be eaten,​​ and honey should be left alone for the bees themselves.​​  ​​​​ However notwithstanding such a statement; genuinely natural,​​ organic, free range eggs can be nutritious, and pure honey, not tampered with at any point of recovering it, also has great advantages.

Grains, and most legumes and vegetables are all grass-derived foods which have been cultivated or developed by the hands of man and are therefore unnatural and unhealthful for our consumption.​​ They would all die away and disappear without human assistance or intervention.​​ ​​ 

People who now avoid dairy and wheat products have found that their health and wellbeing greatly improve. ​​ (There is a book named ‘Wheat Belly’ which is an unusual name, but contains excellent information from which readers have benefitted greatly. ​​ There are also other books on the subject.) ​​ The healthy constituents of wheat have been distorted​​ over the years​​ by plant propagation for profit motives.

Fruits​​ and nuts, on the other hand are self-seeding and regenerating and are the original or intended food of man. There are two groups of people​​ on this planet living side-by-side; those who acknowledge, believe in, and love GOD; and those who reject GOD​​ and even HIS existence. ​​ This second group have unconsciously fallen under the influence of Satan and his fallen angels who are now living as demons, and their spiritual deception. ​​ ​​ This earth and all life on it​​ were​​ designed and created by​​ GOD​​ for our pleasure,​​ enjoyment, and perfect eternal life. ​​ However under​​ human​​ sinful disobedience, Satan, by default, gained influence over everything, including influencing mankind to mismanage everything, which also included the growing and manipulation of food.​​ ​​ 

Hybrid and especially GMO​​ (genetically modified​​ organisms) foods are bad for us​​ and should be avoided whenever possible.​​ ​​ They can usually be recognized by their seedless and oversweet nature, are usually larger, unnaturally shaped, and more easily subject to spoilage. Worst of all, they damage health and pervert​​ appetite.​​ ​​ The best fruits have the largest and darkest seeds, like cherries, avocadoes, prunes, and peaches. The worst ones have very tiny, transparent, or no seeds at all.​​ ​​ Most grapes, bananas, papayas, oranges, and watermelons sold today are hybrids or GMO's, and the trend is for ALL fruit​​ to be so,​​ thanks to companies like Monsanto and Dupont who want to regulate or control the food industry and keep​​ humanity in a kind of​​ dumbed-down enslavement​​ ​​ to them.​​ ​​ There is​​ also​​ the issue of​​ organic versus non-organic, which can mean​​ a huge difference in the quality of​​ produce.​​ ​​ Basically, organic fruit or produce is grown without chemicals or pesticides and has a much higher nutrient value than​​ ‘conventionally grown’​​ foods,​​ but they are also more expensive.​​ ​​ Organic produce​​ barcode labels begin with a 9 whereas conventional food labels begin with a 3 or 4.​​ ​​ GMO​​ food labels begin with an 8. A problem​​ is that not all labelling practices are honest or sound,​​ so one has to exercise one's own judgement as to whether the food​​ is truly organic and to what degree. The best idea​​ is to visit​​ the local farm or farmer’s market and talk to the​​ farmer, or better yet,​​ grow your own food with certifiable seeds.​​ 

What a sorry state our world has come to, particularly when dealing with food.​​ ​​ In most of the modern industrialized world it has become as polluted and unhealthy as the environment we live in.​​ ​​ It seems humans, as hard as they try, cannot improve on nature as it was originally designed, or there​​ could be​​ a conspiracy to make it worse.​​ ​​ 

Our bodies​​ hunger​​ for truly nourishing food, just as our souls do spiritually. The body can​​ derive everything it needs from its environment provided that environment is a natural one. All it really needs is​​ fresh air, fresh water, sun​​ light, exercise, and natural food.

Our body is a​​ natural chemical-electrical system​​ which responds well to healthy living, and is extremely tolerant to mis-use. ​​ However our duty to our Creator is to respect and look after it. ​​ ​​ We​​ should avoid eating non-nourishing ‘food’ and drink, and all forms of false stimulating substances, which all lead to slow or fast self-destruction. ​​ Love and truth​​ and relationship with God should replace any requirement for harmful substances.​​ 

Most people will not be able to a adopt a fruit,​​ nuts and seeds​​ diet right away, they will require a transition​​ to change from a highly processed to an all-natural diet.​​ 

The biggest hurdle you will face in adopting a natural diet,​​ beside​​ other​​ people’s uninformed​​ comments,​​ is​​ overcoming the chemicals in​​ food, such as processed sugar and salt, which are in almost everything we eat and which are two of the most prevalent and addictive drugs on the planet. There are other chemical but once you've overcome these two you are on the way to recovery. You need to avoid all processed or packaged foods which means​​ avoiding almost everything​​ in cans, plastics, jars, or boxes. It goes without saying that candies, sodas, processed fruit juices, smoking, drugs, and alcohol, should​​ be avoided, and you will notice that as you make​​ basic food changes there​​ will be less craving​​ for these.​​ 

Occasionally, as you make the switch, you will feel a powerful need or compulsion to return to a certain food or even your entire old diet pattern. Heed this compulsion. For reasons not always apparent to you,​​ there is a usually a good reason for this. Either you are going too fast or there is still something you must learn. Backtracking is not a sin and you shouldn't feel guilty if you do so. It's a common or normal part of the transition process and teaches you about the addiction process or how food is heavily attached to certain emotional or social issues​​ (mostly negative) that need to be resolved.​​ ​​ When the clearing is done or you realize the physical pain and damage they cause you will no longer go back to those foods. This takes time and can even be a life-long process depending on your personal situation.​​ 

Meat is your first enemy. Cut down on it slowly. Most people don't realize how much pain and suffering and disease they are causing because of meat-eating. They just think of the taste. Most people would stop eating meat if they had to go out and hunt for it and then prepare it themselves. Also, meat today is definitely not what it used to be before 1950. All kinds of chemicals and hormones are injected into livestock to speed up their maturity and make them taste better, or control diseases.​​ ​​ It is these chemicals, more than the meat itself​​ that threaten your health.​​ ​​ Also, most parasites come from meat. Personally, meat-eating makes us violent, sexual, and aggressive and causes bad body odour.​​ ​​ Nuts are a good substitute for meat,​​ they are high​​ in protein and satisfy the hunger, and should be eaten raw. ​​ Even roasting reduces​​ nutritive values.  ​​​​ 

Next to be eliminated are dairy products. ​​ Cow's milk is for calves, not humans,​​ whether it be pasteurized or raw.​​ ​​ Milk actually weakens rather than strengthens the bones and turns into a glue in the body. Cheeses and butters, which come from milk,​​ clog up your system and harden your arteries. Most diseases and parasites come from meat and dairy foods.​​ ​​ Dairy products do not put calcium into our bones, despite what advertising says.

After meat​​ (including​​ all​​ seafood) and dairy, grains are next to go. Most grains and flour products, even the whole kinds, should slowly be eliminated. This includes breads, pastries, cookies, pasta, etc. Grain foods cause joint stiffening or arthritis, and are water retentive,​​ causing weight problems. ​​​​ Wheat is not the same now as it used to be.​​ ​​ If you must eat grains, quinoa and millet are the​​ best choices.​​ 

Most vegetables are inedible unless steamed or cooked and are next on your elimination list. Tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce are not so bad, nor are steamed broccoli or cauliflower, but these serve best as transition foods and must eventually go as well. Onions and garlic serve more as medicine or antiseptics than food.​​ 

The same with legumes​​ (peas, beans, lentils, etc.) which have been cultivated into being from grasses. Chickpeas and peanuts​​ (which are often thought of as nuts) are the best legumes.​​ ​​ Peanuts should be eaten unroasted and in moderation.​​ ​​ Roasting brings out the flavour but also​​ diminishes nutrition, reduces efficient digestion, and stimulates​​ addictive​​ appeal. ​​ ​​ 

Some people may require​​ greens, others not.​​ They can be​​ bland, vibration-lowering, and difficult to digest. They may be necessary, however, as a transition food.​​ ​​ Some of the best greens are kale, spinach, and lettuce. Lettuce makes an especially good salad, and nuts and greens mix well together.​​ 

Note: This list is not complete and not all of the classifications are universally agreed upon.

FRUITS: ​​ Apple,​​ Apricots,​​ Avocadoes,​​ Bananas,​​ Breadfruit,​​ Cacao,​​ Cherries,​​ Cherimoya,​​ Coconuts,​​ Cucumbers,​​ Dates,​​ Dragon fruit,​​ ​​ Durians,​​ Figs,​​ Grapefruits,​​ Grapes,​​ Honeydew,​​ Kiwi fruits,​​ Kumquat,​​ Lemons,​​ Limes,​​ Lychees,​​ Mangoes,​​ ​​ Mangosteens,​​ Nonis,​​ Olives,​​ Oranges,​​ Papayas,​​ Passion fruit,​​ Peaches,​​ Pears,​​ Persimmons,​​ Pomegranates,​​ Rambutan,​​ Plums,​​ Sapodillas,​​ Tangerines,​​ Tomatoes,​​ Nectarines,​​ Tangerines,​​ Melons.

BERRIES: ​​ Acai berries,​​ Bearberries,​​ Bilberries,​​ Blackberries,​​ Blueberries,​​ Buffalo berries,​​ ​​ Cranberries,​​ Currants,​​ Dewberries,​​ Elderberries,​​ Goji Berries,​​ Gooseberries,​​ Huckleberry,​​ Incan berries,​​ ​​ Jackfruit,​​ Juneberry,​​ Loganberry,​​ Loquat,​​ Mulberries,​​ Raspberries,​​ Salmonberry,​​ Sugarberries,​​ Strawberries.​​ 

NUTS: ​​ Almonds,​​ Brazil nuts,​​ Cacao nuts,​​ Cashew nuts,​​ Chestnuts,​​ Coconuts,​​ Hazel nuts,​​ Macadamia,​​ ​​ Pecans,​​ Pine nuts,​​ Pistachio nuts,​​ Walnuts.​​ 

SEEDS: ​​ Chia,​​ Cumin seeds,​​ Flax seeds,​​ Hempseeds,​​ Poppy seeds,​​ Pumpkin seeds,​​ Sesame seeds,​​ Squash seeds,​​ Sunflower seeds,​​ Tahini seeds.

We are left with​​ fruits, nuts, berries and seeds,​​ which are the​​ true and natural foods for​​ humans. ​​ ​​ This diet greatly improves​​ health and mind and elevates us to our true stature on earth.​​ ​​ In terms of ratio,​​ the main diet should consist of​​ fruits​​ (and berries)​​ with nuts​​ (and seeds) being supplementary.​​ ​​ While they can be mixed, this may not agree with everyone, so the two groups are best eaten separately.​​  ​​​​ It is best to eat fruit first and then​​ nuts,​​ minimizing any acidic reaction.​​ ​​ Fruits in the morning and nuts in the afternoon or evening​​ is good, but you will eventually develop your own schedule or system.​​ ​​ Fruits should be washed and peeled if waxed and are best left out in room temperature exposed to the light and sun. ​​​​ You can mix fruit​​ but it is best to eat​​ one variety at a time. Smoothies are fine, especially for those who have trouble masticating, but simply eating them​​ in their natural form​​ is best.  ​​​​ Fruit is digested in the small intestine, not in the stomach, that is why it is best to eat it first. ​​ Pineapple and Paw-Paw can be eaten with other food, because they contain digestive enzymes.​​ 

For those making the transition, you will find that fruit, which are less dense or caloric, may not satisfy, and craving issues​​ for your old foods will surface.​​ ​​ Eating nuts,​​ seeds and fatty fruits like avocados will help,​​ as well as eating enough fruit till you​​ are​​ full.​​ ​​ Eventually​​ cravings will die out and you can​​ eat less amounts of fruit and be satisfied.​​ ​​ You might​​ lose a lot of weight in the first few months to a year, especially if you need to heal in some way. Once the problem is solved you will regain some​​ weight, but fruitarians in general are light and slender so don't let the weight issue bother you too​​ much. The important thing is that you feel better​​ physically and in every other way.​​ 

Vegetarians​​ are usually​​ the healthiest​​ and happiest​​ people, free of fear, worry, misery, depression, anxiety, disease,​​ decadence, and​​ degeneration. ​​ In the new Heaven and​​ new​​ Earth, where our climate and environment​​ will be fully​​ restored,​​ vegetarianism, and most likely​​ fruitarian-ism will be the standard diet. ​​ There will not be any eating of any kind of meat.

GOD’s children can expect a transformed existence.

Fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds.


