Jesus’ Tomb - The Garden Tomb
Please also see: ‘Jesus Resurrection.’
Seek the Truth with all your heart.
The channel can be seen, where the giant stone was originally positioned and rolled in front of the entrance.
The Garden Tomb.
The Garden Tomb: This ancient tomb a short distance from the Damascus Gate in the western wall of the Old City of Jerusalem. Joseph of Arimathea had it hewn out of the rock face, and is accurately assumed to be the tomb where Yeshua’s body was laid to rest; and from where He was resurrected.
(See Mark 15:42–16:8; & Isaiah 53:9)
The Garden Tomb.
Which is in Conrad Schick Street, Jerusalem, outside the old city wall near the Damascus Gate, on the north-western side of the Old City of Jerusalem.
(Some believe that the crucifixion and burial took place inside the city walls. The Bible clearly records that it had to take place outside the city walls; and this is also reflected in the Old Testament.)
The Garden Tomb which Joseph of Arimathea had cut out of the rock-face, intended for his own future use, and in which he placed Jesus’ body; and from which Jesus arose. It was unearthed in 1867, and in so doing, a section of the stone front was broken, hence the patched up section. The door leads into a small type of entry chamber, just to the right is the carved out, slightly raised stone section for a body.
I stood in there with an enormous sense of awe and significance that this was actually the tomb which Joseph of Aramathea gave for Jesus’ body to be taken from the cross, which was not far away, and placed in here. It was amazing just to stand and reflect that the whole magnificent event took place here, the burial and rising from the dead of Y’shua (Jesus). It was awe inspiring to think about this very spot being the beginning of the world becoming a different place, and offering an eternal future for faithful believers.
The garden area is owned by and constantly cared for by English people who take turns to stay in Jerusalem. The information shop is always staffed, and the garden cared for.
(Phone: + 972 2 539 8100)
Matthew 27:57-61 ‘As evening approached, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who had himself become a disciple of Jesus. Going to Pilate, he asked for Jesus’ body, and Pilate ordered that it be given to him. Joseph took the body, wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, and placed it in his own new tomb that had been cut out of the rock. He rolled a big stone in front of the entrance to the tomb and went away. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were sitting opposite the tomb.’