Eternally Transformed


Seek the Truth with all your heart.


Acts 20:24 ​​​​ ‘However I consider my​​ life​​ worth nothing to me,​​ my only aim is to​​ finish the race and complete the task the Lord has given me; the task of testifying to the gospel of GOD’s grace.’


Revelation 12:11 ​​​​ ‘They overcame​​ Satan​​ by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.’


This is real commitment, when God is totally first in your life. ​​ You may have to sacrifice your own life if necessary, because if your relationship with God is as strong as it should be, you will not back down on your relationship with HIM when confronted with such a situation. ​​ Never give in to Satan or any of his foul tricks. ​​ You know you will awake at the resurrection​​ to eternal life in unimaginative​​ magnificence. ​​ 


GOD can do more with one person who has committed themselves 100% to GOD, than HE can with a whole mass of people who have only committed themselves 99% to GOD.


Be committed to helping others to become committed.
