Seek the Truth with all your heart.
Character can express power, and we should aspire to reveal the character of Christ in our life. The living example of a truly GOD-ly, unselfish, loving life, is powerful.
A strong character will have heroic virtues including the qualities of Order, Justice, Fortitude, Resoluteness, and Magnanimity, Integrity, and Dignity. These, when exercised, lead to Healthy survival and Prosperity, which can in turn, embrace Culture, Education, and Social stability.
Christ has not given us the assurance that developing perfection of character is easy. We do not inherit a noble, all-round character, nor does it come by accident; it is earned by individual effort through the merits and grace of Christ. GOD gives us talents and powers of the mind. We form our character by hard, stern battles with situations that confront us in many ways throughout life, and with conflicts that must be waged against hereditary tendencies. We need to process all this by self-analysis.
The essence of who we are is embedded in our Spirit, Heart, Mind, and Soul.
May no one say that they cannot develop a good character, such a decision indicates a lack of will and an inability to overcome. The problem is likely to be caused by a corrupted, unsanctified heart and unwillingness to submit to GOD.
Set a high standard, and step by step with sacrifice and sheer GOD given will-power and effort, it can be attained. Press on with determination in the right direction; opposing circumstances are the resistance which builds the muscles of strong character. When our will co-operates with the will of GOD it can achieve whatever GOD directs. Be like Daniel, a man whom any temptation could not corrupt. It is only with GOD’s help that we can attain perfection of character. John 15:5 ‘ --- Without Me you can do nothing.’
Christian psychologists and psychiatrists have said, very definitely, that without reference to GOD’s principles, relationship with Him, and including Him in every treatment; it is not possible for anyone to be truly healed, properly and completely.
GOD wills that we develop our intellect and intelligence, with His help and direction, so that we have clearer thinking and discernment than worldly people; so that, without ever missing even one opportunity, we can present the truths of GOD’s Word to everyone, including the highest earthly authorities, in a way that glorifies GOD’s name.
A character formed according to the Divine likeness of Jesus, is the only treasure of divine attainment that we can take from this world to heaven, and hence to GOD’s eternal kingdom in the next world, where we continue to grow in wisdom, knowledge and character.
1 Corinthians 15:33 ‘Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.”
Noble application. Apply your talents and passions to where there is a need, which might be where you live, or anywhere in the world.
Anyone who chooses to be a genuine messenger of GOD’s truth, will be seen for their humility, sincerity, earnestness, and deep fervour. The words they leave behind will remain in people’s hearts, never to be destroyed.